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Dr Who

April 23rd, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

I was watching Dr Who earlier on.

Everyone says that its the actor who was playing the Doctor when you were growing up who is always going to be your favourite, and that certainly works for me. I prefer Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker and the ones who came afterwards just seemed increasingly silly to me. But this new one, is the best they have had since Tom Baker.

I do find Christopher Ecclestone a bit annoying and flippant sometimes, but overall the new series is fantastic, and also has some great jokes in it. I laughed aloud tonight at one line. There was an alien posing as the (acting) Prime Minister who said at a press conference that the aliens had “massive weapons of destruction” which were “capable of being deployed within 45 seconds”. I’m surprised that the BBC (who are always so careful about this sort of thing) were allowed to have that line in during the election campaign, but glad they did.

I think the Daleks make an appearance next week…

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