One of my photos

What celebrity do you look like?

December 24th, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Technology · No Comments · Technology

There is a site which, supposedly tells you what celebrity you most look like.

Unfortunately it is more like a demonstration of the fallibility of computers.

It started off well enough. I uploaded this photo of me and it went through a routine where it zoomed into the face and did the science fiction bit with green lines going in a grid and everything. It was just like a scene from Face/Off or something like that.

Having analysed my face it compared it to its database of celebrity photographs to see which one I most resemble and it came up with the answer that the closest it could get was a 56% match to…

The actress, Mira Sorvino! The alternatives were Kenneth Brannagh, Sanjayit Ray and Walter Mondale.

Its a brilliant idea, but I think it may need a little more work.

I just tried it again but found the site is down for maintenance. Perhaps my ugly mug broke it.

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