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Daylight savings?

March 27th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life/Technology · No Comments · Life, Technology

I don’t think I have properly recovered from the shock of getting up in the dark again this morning.

This lark of changing the clocks twice a year is getting to be a bit of a burden.  Just about everything in the house with batteries or a plug seems to need adjusting, although at least computers change themselves these days, and Jayne’s mobile phone did as well.

My ghetto blaster has a clock on it, the cooker has a clock on it, the central heating timer obviously has a clock on it. Digital cameras have the time on them, watches, alarm clocks, wall clocks, the car…

Its usually a week before you catch every last device, and its always one that you missed which you glance at and think is the right time.  Then you wander to the next room and see that its an hour later and for a moment you think that time is really flying.  Going from the living room to the kitchen can be like crossing into another time zone.

I went upstairs to make a cup of tea last night and came back down jet-lagged!

Never mind. In a few years time everything in the world from fridges to staplers will have Windows embedded and will adjust automatically. The fact that the toaster will be susceptible to virus attack will be a small price to pay.


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