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Reading on the train

March 18th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

You know how commuters on the train will sometimes glance about at the headlines in other people’s newspapers?  Sometimes a headline is so attention-grabbing they will try to read the story itself.

The other day I saw somebody on the train who was standing behind someone else (it was a crowded train) and practically had his head on the other bloke’s shoulder in an attempt to read over it.

In all my years of commuting it is the single most blatant act of over-the-shoulder reading I have ever seen.  The man was totally focussed on this reading matter. Absorbed by it.

The really strange thing was that it was a novel.  Must have been a really good one to interest someone so much who had not read the previous pages and was unlikely to be able to read the end.

Mind you, we were stuck at Waterloo for so long it was beginning to look as though he would get to read the end.

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