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The perils of advertising

March 9th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 7 Comments · Politics

Over at Bloggers4Labour Andrew has Google advertising on the site to raise a few pennies. One of the dangers of doing this in a partisan political site is that if you mention the ‘enemy’ you could end up with that being used as a key word to give you ads like this…

…or the one for Bracknell Lib Dems at the bottom of a post.

This might not be a bad thing. I am assuming that if I click through to these sites it will generate a little income for B4L and might even incur a charge on the Flack Campaign (whatever that is) or the Bracknell Lib Dems. A win-win situation 🙂

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7 Comments so far ↓

  • Bloggers4Labour

    Pennies is right. I did once get a ‘check’ from Google a couple of years ago, but then they raised the minimum payment threshold to $100 or something, so my $100 could be a very long time coming. Having been on both sides of the business, selling the ads is vastly more expensive, so I guess it’s a valid political weapon!

    It’s hard to believe the typical B4L reader would be interested by any of the ads I’ve seen – I guess that has to be Google’s fault, ultimately. I was also very annoyed with them a couple of years ago on another blog, when I posted about Scientologists in Brighton, and the only way I could stop them subsequently taking over each ad was to edit my blog post to bleep the offending words out.

  • Skuds

    Are you allowed to say that?

    Google are very cagey about Adsense aren’t they? In their T&C’s they say you can’t disclose how much get paid, you can’t even mention in the page content anything about the Ads and you especially can’t say anything to encourage readers to click ads.

    The first rule of Adsense is “Don’t talk about Adsense”
    The second rule of Adsense is “Don’t talk about Adsense”

  • Jo

    I was going to sign up for it but then the signing up process went a bit wrong and they’re not refusing to let me proceed until I can verify that I am in fact an American tax payer…


  • Jo

    Ooops, they’re not refusing to let me proceed

    No “not” – they’re point blank refusing to let me proceed…!

  • Jo

    And the bold was meant to be strikethrough. Never again shall I post before 9 in the morning.

  • Neil Harding

    Google ads sounds like more trouble than it’s worth. I’m glad it doesn’t pollute my site. I’m sort of against it in principle. If there are ever any ads on my site (as if), it will be me selling them, not anyone else.

  • Andrew

    I managed to set up AdSense without the tax-payer stuff, but I needed to sort that out before I could actually get paid. They lasted about a month before I got annoyed with them 🙂