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Doncaster Revisited

July 26th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Work · No Comments · Work

I am back up in Doncaster again, but staying in a different hotel this time.

This one is outside the town centre, so there are no crowds of drunks outside in the early hours, nor booming nightclub music. It is also a larger, cleaner room with a smoke alarm installed.

On the negative side, being out of town there is nowhere to go, and no local shops to pick up a paper from. There is a large factory outlet place next door which all closes at 6, and a Toys R US.  More of a problem is that the room has no telephone, and no free wi-fi access, and of course no E4 so I couldn't watch next week's episode of Lost.

It is handy that I can just walk into work though, and brilliant just to be anywhere with a shower. Our bathroom is being done at the moment so we are without a shower there.

The journey up was even worse than last time.  Since there are no opening windows on the GNER trains I have to assume they have air conditioning, but it doesn't work very well at all.  When I reached Donny I caught a bus out to the hotel and that £1 bus journey was cooler and more pleasant than the £145 train journey.

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