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Train strike – PS

August 29th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 7 Comments · Politics

Surely I am not the only one who finds this quote from Keith Norman, the Aslef General Secretary, to be ever so slightly ironically amusing?

I believe the company is using its passengers to try to score points over the union.

I am only sorry that the public will suffer, rather than this appalling management.

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7 Comments so far ↓

  • Jon Rogers

    comrade, without the rail unions you wouldn’t have a Labour Party to be a member of – how about showing a bit of solidarity?

  • Skuds

    I am a member of a rail union, and have been for about 12 years, even if it is only the TSB of the rail unions (the one who likes to say “yes”)

    So I have learned not to take everything the Evening Standard and the rest say about them at face value, but I am amazed at the apparent lack of self-awareness in that quote.

  • Danivon

    I wish that sometimes the rail unions would show a bit of solidarity with passengers. But you can’t have everything.

  • Skuds

    Ah yes as a Labour party member and erstwhile commuter you are similarly conflicted.

  • Richard

    Blairite New Labour or Brownite Old Labour – you will all have to come off the fence very soon 🙂

  • Skuds

    I can’t see what is wrong with just Labour. (That would be a good re-branding… “Just Labour” with its implications of justice)

    I really do not like all this factional stuff with so-and-so being ‘in Brown’s camp’ and all that. I think it must have to do with politicians treating Westminster as one big game and losing sight of the whole point.

    I deplore the fact that it should matter so much who is leader anyway when it comes to policies. I can see how it will matter in terms of making a party attractive to voters but for policy I take the view that a party has policies and the leader is there to carry them out – not keep creating his own on the hoof all the time.

  • Danivon

    Brown is New Labour. As is Prescott. I’m pretty much off the fence where New Labour is concerned (at the other edge of the opposite field).

    I don’t begrudge ASLEF, and support the right to strike, but these things have to be considered in the light of the effect that they have. What’s wrong with good old fashioned work-to-rule and ‘overtime bans’ instead of going straight for a 24 hour strike?