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Royal visit update

November 2nd, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 1 Comment · Life

I noticed this story on the BBC website earlier. (Honest. I really did see it hours before Richard’s comment, I justgot distracted)

It seems the Queen is having back trouble and has had to cancel several engagements. At the moment she is still coming to Crawley but will cut the visit short and leave before lunch which means missing out on going to the sheltered housing scheme and Thomas Bennett Community College.

Jayne and I broke the news to Chrystal, worried in case she would be upset (she is supposed to be serving at the lunch or something like that) but she took it quite well. Her exact response was something like “do I still get the afternoon off lessons?”

Does this mean that our glossy souvenir supplement to next week’s paper will only be 6 pages now?

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  • wongaBlog

    A visit from the Queen…

    Skuds’ mention of the Queen’s visit to Crawley[1] reminds me of the time I went to see her open Touchwood shopping centre in Solihull. My (vehemently anti-monarchist) then-girlfriend and I waited along the main street for an hour or so, b…