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Common ground

March 6th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 7 Comments · Life

At last I have found something in the Conservapedia I can agree with. Two things actually, and both in the same article. By their standards its a very long article too, with lots of links (not as many as there could be of course) and even a bibliography at the end (first on the list: the Bible).

The first impossible to argue with statement is:

Dan Brown is responsible for feeding millions of readers a pack of lies cleverly wrapped up as a historically accurate novel.

And the second is:

If nothing else, The Da Vinci Code teaches a lesson on how susceptible people are to believing an attractively-packaged lie, and how vitally important it is that the truth is broadcasted earnestly by those who know it.

Which, ironically, in their own semi-literate way is really stating the case for those of us who deeply distrust the religious fundamentalists of all flavours.

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7 Comments so far ↓

  • Richard

    It’s the political fundamentalists I fear the most – especially those who use, abuse, and misuse religion to their unholy political advantage.

  • Danivon

    What about the ones who misuse Chomsky?

    (I’ll get me coat)

  • Richard

    Press Officers for mainstream political parties need to say what they mean – especially about Chomsky – unless they wish to be used and abused for political advantage 🙂

  • Jane Skudder

    Responsible booksellers sell every Dan Brown with the comment ‘it’s just a novel’.

  • Jane Skudder

    But we are probably not allowed to say what we really mean about Chomsky.

  • Skuds

    Did you see the little piece in Private Eye this week about the discovery of Jesus’ tomb? The headline was “Discovery of Jesus tomb rocks faithful” and then it goes on to include quotes like:

    If this is true, it means that everything I believe is rubbish. It has shattered my faith which is based on a literal interpretation of the Da Vinci Code.

  • Jane Skudder

    Never mind Dan Brown, the whole Jesus tomb thing is the basis of the latest Kathy Reichs thriller. They’re all at it!