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March 5th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 3 Comments · Life

I am trying to break my Conservapedia habit, but its just so addictive I keep saying to myself ‘just one more random topic and then I’ll call it quits’.

Today I stumbled across an entry on Plato which has obviously been vandalised, from the point of view of the site owners, but looking at the history it could be classed as an improvement. So, the Conservapedia entry on Plato – one of the most important philosophers ever (even though all the ideas in his books seem to belong to Socrates, but never mind) reads as follows:

Plato was a great Greek philosopher from 428 to 347 BC, after which he was not so great. He was a student of Socrates and founded the Academy, a school bereft of buildings wherein Plato taught his students while wanking. He wrote the Republic, and its logical sequel, The Laws, as well as a large number of other, less popular works in which he showed (amongst other things) how to teach geometry to slaves, how to irritate sophists, and how everything in the world is made of triangles. One of Plato’s pupils was Aristotle.

Wonderful though the Internet is, I am so glad I got myself an education before it came along…

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3 Comments so far ↓

  • Dan Ashton

    How have I not seen this before! Fantastic site. “Crusades… Good or Bad?” has to be my favourite entry by a mile.

    It almost makes insomnia worthwhile.

  • jamsodonnell

    Keep it up Skuds, it is just too entertaining. I was tempted to post on its Ireland, RAF and Oliver Cromwell entries (three subjects of particular interest to me).. What the heck I probably will!

  • Skuds

    Dan – that is just too fantastic for words! If you were doing a satire of the US ultra-conservative christian fundamentalists I don’t think that even The Onion could come up with a better headline.