One of my photos

Very small world

March 4th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 2 Comments · Life

If there are any such creatures as regular readers here, they might remember “the puppy”. This was the Siberian husky which Jayne’s sister had, and which we looked after for a while.

Shortly after that, Jayne’s sister found that the dog was a bit much to handle in a house with 5 children, including three of primary school age – something which should have been pretty bloody obvious beforehand really – and had to give it away.

Today we were in Tilgate doing some campaigning for Labour when we saw a similar dog. It was on a lead which was being held by a blind lady in a wheelchair. The dog seemed to recognise us and before we knew what was happening she was running towards us, towing the blind lady at some speed, with her daughter trying to avert disaster.

Apparently it was even worse a few minutes earlier when they saw a cat…

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