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February 22nd, 2008 · Posted by Skuds in Work · No Comments · Work

The IT department fielded a team at the  company quiz night tonight, and was robbed!  Actually we only managed to scrape together two thirds of a team so we had given everybody else a bit of a head start anyway.

We were a little bit miffed that a couple of our answers were not allowed.  One question was what the Who got into the Guinness Book of Records for.  We said it was for the loudest concert  but we didn’t get a point as the answer was for being the loudest band. We didn’t kick off though, because we got a point we frankly didn’t deserve in the previous round.

Despite our depleted team we didn’t come last and we had a good time, so we are happy.   We would have much preferred it if the Geography and General Knowledge rounds had been replaced with Star Trek and IP sub-netting, but that would have been too good to be true. The only regret is that we didn’t sacrifice a few points to give some of the better alternative answers we came up with like:

Q: Complete this line spoken by Anthony Perkins in the film Psycho – “A boy’s best friend is…”

A: “His mother”

Our A:  “His hand”

Q: The streets of Atlantic City were the original setting for what game?

A: Monopoly

Our A: Grand Theft Auto

Q:  What legendary crooner started as a welterweight boxer using the name of “Kid Crocett”?

A: Dean Martin

Our A:  Bruce Forsyth


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