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Bring me the head of Prawo Jazdy

February 24th, 2009 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 1 Comment · Life

I have not really caught up with the last week’s news yet, but I did greatly enjoy this story from Ireland, which falls in the you-couldn’t-make-it-up category.Basically, the Irish police had dozens and dozens of motoring offences on their records with the same person responsible.  The same name was cropping up again and again, but each time they produced ID with a different address on it.  Was there somebody who had an apparently endless supply of official-looking fake IDs with different addresses?

The mystery was solved when an eagle-eyed Garda spotted that Prawo Jazdy is ‘driving licence’ in Polish and not a name so Mr. Jazdy is no longer on the most-wanted list over there.

I expect a whimsical Hollywood film to be made about it soon.

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