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Spotify. Again

February 27th, 2009 · Posted by Skuds in Music/Technology · 1 Comment · Music, Technology

I’m still chuffed with Spotify, and it really seems to be picking up now.  It featured on the BBC’s 10 o’clock news tonight and is getting mentioned all over the place.  I’m sure this means that the userbase is growing rapidly, possibly even exponentially, but the response is still at the shit-off-a-shovel end of the scale.I was discussing thsi with colleagues at work, and we came up with a few ideas of how they achieve the phenomenal response (‘some clever caching’ is all Spotify had to say on the topic in a recent story somewhere or other) but it is still a marvel.

A few disappointing gaps in the catalogue still, most notably Floyd, AC/DC, Beatles, Metallica and Led Zeppelin, but also with some more obscure artists. For example, Joachim Witt only has 4 albums on there including Silberblick and Marchenblau – but not (arguably) his most famous albums Bayreuth and Bayreuth 2.

Right now I am listening to the new U2 album , having just found it…  I was looking under U2 but at the moment it is only available though a special link in the title bar that I kept not seeing.  No sign of the new Prodigy album though.

On the other hand, it is good to see that the site has a double album from the wonderfully-named Fernando Poo.  Not really my style of music unfortunately, but with a name like that I just had to have a listen.


One Comment so far ↓

  • jams O'Donnell

    I love spotify. Okay there are some major gaps but there is so much to explore… I get the feeling my CD budget will have to be massively increased