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That would be an ecumenical matter

September 7th, 2009 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · No Comments · Politics

I seem to be in a bit of a YouTube mood today, draagging out old clips to brighten up whatever I am thinking about, but never mind.  I think this is the last one.

When Father Jack was going to meet the bishop, Ted coached him to just say ‘yes’ and if any question couldn’t be answered with a straight ‘yes’ he was to say “that would be an ecumenical matter” because it sounds like you know what you are talking about and nobody will ask you to explain further.  As a result the Bishop thought that Jack was some sort of religious expert full of wisdom.

I’m wondering… is there a similar phrase that politicians out of their depth can throw into any interview situation to make them sound like they are a deep thinker?   Bonus points for examples of politicians actually using such phrases.

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