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Postal miracle

October 17th, 2009 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

I received a letter today and I have no idea how it got to the right house.    The address on it was my name but the address of the secretary of Horsham Labour Party – yet it was delivered to my house.

In the past if anything has gone to Ray’s address he has either put it in an envelope to send to me or given it to me in person – and I will see him tomorrow anyway so he wouldn’t have forwarded it.  He can’t have forwarded it, because there is nothing written on it to say “please deliver to…”

I know I am not so famous that somebody in the sorting office would recognise my name, know what my real address is and sort the letter accordingly, but I am stumped to think of an alternative.

So support the postal workers – they are obviously psychic!

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