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Gordon on top form

May 3rd, 2010 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 1 Comment · Politics

A lot of people are, very rightly, impressed with Gordon Brown’s speech to Citizens UK today and a lot of them are asking why he was not so impressive during the leaders’ debates.   Could it just be that he is more suited to the 10-minute speech format, while Cameron and Clegg are more comfortable with the 90-second soundbite format?  That would be unfortunate, because a lot of votes are cast based on soundbites – because that is all that reaches the TV news bulletins.

To be fair, that is all it is practical to show on TV news bulletins, but it means that the only people who will see the whole thing are those who actually seek it out.  Or those who scroll down a little bit here.

I think the speech is a perfect demonstration of what this election is about: style versus substance

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  • Ash

    “I think the speech is a perfect demonstration of what this election is about: style versus substance”

    Aw – and you were doing so well – only 3 days to go and you are reduced to repeating Labour central office slogans.