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I’ve seen all good people

May 7th, 2010 · Posted by Skuds in Music/Politics · 1 Comment · Music, Politics

At least it’s all over now, and we know what that means don’t we?   I can get back to my comfort zone of off-colour joke, blatantly partisan insults, and wittering about prog rock.

Talking of which, I had a text from the Northern branch of the family saying “I think the phrase is ‘yours is no disgrace'” (and if you don’t get that reference you really might be better off elsewhere.  You have been warned.)  This amused me, because as I was driving to the count yesterday I was threatening the future viability of my vocal chords by singing along to just that song on the car stereo.  Serendipity or what?

The last few weeks have been a bit of a roundabout, and we have all been close to the edge.  The count dragged on and on and we soon realised it was not going to be over in a hurry.  They were really giving us the long distance runaround. There was little chance I would awaken to any wonderous stories because I was still awake in the heart of the sunrise as dawn broke over the car park and dangerously high caffeine levels were edging me towards the gates of delirium.

In the end the Lib Dem surge amounted to five per cent of nothing, and it looked like we would have to wait a little longer for the promised perpetual change.  I will probably be in a bad mood for a day as the nation decided that no opportunity necessary, no experience needed was not a convincing enough argument after all.

Glad to get that out of my system:)

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