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About this new iPad thing

March 2nd, 2011 · Posted by Skuds in Technology · No Comments · Technology

I see that Apple have announced the second version of their iPad today, to much fan-boy acclaim.  Looks very nice, in fact if the first one had been as good (and if they were all a lot cheaper) I would have been less dismissive of it.

I still can’t get excited though.  I can’t remember when a slice of technology that is so shiny and glossy and crammed full of stuff left me so cold – well… maybe the launch of the iPhone.  Or the Mac Book Air.  Or the iPod.

Is it that I am getting old or just still holding a grudge against Apple for their bloody iTunes software?   Or am I just too aware that if I had one I would be hating myself in a year’s time when the even-better mark III comes out?

Or is it that, after spending 37 hours a week working on Microsoft Office 2000 running Windows XP, leaping a full decade forward would be too much of a culture shock?


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