This is a gratuitous photo. I just thought the page could do with a picture.
I saw this building in Penshurst village last weekend and was impressed by the attention to detail on the extension. The left-hand side is the original building and the right-hand half is a new addition. The new addition is extremely sympathetic, using the same type of bricks with the same pattern, the shape for stone details around the windows and at propping up the roof, which has the same tiling. (Click on the picture to see it bigsized and more detailful)
You can only really tell its an extension because its all shiny and new but a few years of weathering (and corrosive exhaust fumes from passing lorries) will make it blend in a lot more. Much better than a lot of the monstrous and tacky modifications that are normally made to old houses.
Oh.. Does that all sound a bit ‘Prince of Wales’?
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