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Entries from March 15th, 2011

Yet another fire

March 15th, 2011 · Comments Off on Yet another fire · Life

I see there is yet another fire at the Japanese power station, and continuing stories of the destruction and hardships across large parts of the country. I’m not sure why, but a while ago I started to become a lot more aware, consciously, of how fragile and complicated the infrastructure is that supports even a […]



Mistaken identity

March 15th, 2011 · Comments Off on Mistaken identity · Life

Today the BBC website has a story of police idiocy on a par with when the Irish police had Prawo Jazdy at the top of their most-wanted list. Basically, the police an address more than 40 times in 18 months by mistake.  It seems they were getting calls to a house in Repton Grove but […]


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