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Mistaken identity

March 15th, 2011 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

Today the BBC website has a story of police idiocy on a par with when the Irish police had Prawo Jazdy at the top of their most-wanted list.

Basically, the police an address more than 40 times in 18 months by mistake.  It seems they were getting calls to a house in Repton Grove but kept going to a house in Repton Road instead.  It makes you wonder what is going on at the house in Repton Grove to lead to 40 calls in 18 months doesn’t it?   And that is only assuming the police always go to the wrong address.  If they only get it wrong half the time there would be 80 calls in 18 months – about one a week.

Highlight of the story is this quote:

When my girlfriend rang Police HQ at Lloyd House the gaffer there said he knew all about it because they had seminars about not getting it wrong.

A whole seminar about telling the difference between one road and another?  How long can you spin that out?

I hope somebody had an interview a bit like this one…

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