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Intelligent Design

September 9th, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

Last week’s Guardian had an article by Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne refuting any suggestion that ‘Intelligent Design’ deserves to be taught in schools alongside Darwinian evolution.

It was obviously a heart-felt piece, but while I totally agree with the thrust of the argument I have to say that I found a follow-up article this week, by John Allen Paulos a lot more effective.

Maybe its because Paulos is not a biologist (he is a mathematician and author of some popular maths books like ‘Innumeracy’) that he can appear more detached from the subject, or maybe its because its a much shorter article and easier to grasp the whole thing in one go. Whatever the reason, the choice to draw an analogy between biological structures and processes, like the clotting of blood, and modern economic infrastructure is inspired, and well worth reading.

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