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Entries Tagged as 'Doh!'

Round the houses

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments · Life

I had an unexpected bonus motorbike ride last night. Jayne called to say that she could not find her car key so I had to go up to West London to take my key (or as she calls then “the spare key”) so she could get home. It sounds simple enough, but you have to […]


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Bad financial planning a speciality

November 21st, 2022 · Comments Off on Bad financial planning a speciality · Life

It is nearly December. The time of year when I remember how bad I am at financial planning. Already my e-mail inbox is over-flowing with reminders of annual payments and subscriptions that will be due in the next month. So far it is RAC membership, motorbike insurance, motorbike tracker subscription, CostCo membership, and probably a […]


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Stupid rules OK

November 4th, 2018 · Comments Off on Stupid rules OK · Life

I may have mastered the art of stupid, but at least I have some competition within the family. After a couple of embarrassing incidents where we had to call our son to come home from work and let us in the house because we forgot to pick up a set of keys when walking the […]


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Accident waiting to happen

September 11th, 2017 · 3 Comments · Life

I am starting to think that Jayne and I are both a bit accident prone. Just recently I have concussed myself on a kitchen cupboard door and stabbed myself with a fork while washing up.  I have also taken chunks out of my leg twice manouevering my bicycle around the house. And I don’t want […]



New ways to spend money

June 17th, 2017 · Comments Off on New ways to spend money · Life, Technology

It seems like each new advance in technology just gives you more opportunities to spend money buying stuff you already have. The advent of CD led a lot of people to buy new copies of LPs they had on vinyl – a trend that is now getting reversed to an extent. The advent of DVD […]



Letting the side down

June 13th, 2017 · Comments Off on Letting the side down · Life

I do feel like I have betrayed my basic priciples today. I worked from home, but still wore my work suit. To make up for it, when I clocked off I changed into cargo shorts and a t-shirt to go to a council event.



Under new management

September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Under new management · Life, Politics

At work today… Colleague: So what do you make of your new leader then? Me: Brilliant! He seems to be delivering the goods. I wanted him in charge years ago, but he was all tied up with the Croatian national team… hang on. You mean Jeremy Corbyn don’t you? I may not be the political […]


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My emails

February 9th, 2014 · Comments Off on My emails · Life, Technology

Huge apologies to anybody who has tried to contact me by e-mail on the old Skuds@blueyonder address in the last four or five (or maybe more) months. I didn’t read your e-mails. Here’s the thing. I decided to use my gmail more because it was dead easy to set up on my tablet and phone. […]



A slight mistake from Sky

July 17th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Life, Politics

I saw something hilarious on Sky News earlier. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be on YouTube yet. I’m sure it will be soon thoough. I’m equally sure that Sky News won’t be repeating it like they do with all their other interviews. Not in its entirety anyway. They were after some opinions on the G4S […]


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Time flies at the Crawley Observer

October 26th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Life, Politics

Breakfast was made much more amusing today courtesy of the Crawley Observer and what the youth of today would no doubt call an epic fail. In such a busy environment as the Obby offices maybe it does only feel like a few months since May 2010…


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