One of my photos

Entries Tagged as 'Doh!'

You’ve got mail

July 31st, 2011 · Comments Off on You’ve got mail · Life

I have a very bad habit.  I sometimes don’t open post for months.  The thing is that every bill I have to pay regularly is on a direct debit so anything that looks like a bill is really just a statement of account requiring no action other than filing or shredding. When I do open […]



No comment

June 29th, 2011 · Comments Off on No comment · Technology

It turns out that I effectively turned off comments here when I upgraded WordPress the other day. I forgot that the captcha plug-in I use always screws up when I upgrade WordPress and I have to de-activate and re-activate it to make it all work again. I always forget.  I expect I will forget next […]


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Blind, deaf and stupid

May 26th, 2011 · Comments Off on Blind, deaf and stupid · Life

I already knew my eyesight was getting worse as I get older but obviously my hearing and thinking are plummetting too. Just tonight I cameout of the supermarket and went to get in the car.  My first thought was “bloody hell Jayne, when were you going to tell me you put a huge dent in […]



The road to Wembley

January 10th, 2011 · 3 Comments · Life

Crawley Town’s FA Cup road might not go all the way to Wembley, but tonight they discovered that it will at least go as far as Torquay.   It would have been good to get a ‘glamour’ tie against Chelsea, Man Utd, Arsenal or someone like that (but please not West Ham!)  but on the other […]


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Alarming inability

June 9th, 2010 · Comments Off on Alarming inability · Life

I have a licence to drive cars.  It will also allow me to drive pretty large vans and minibuses.  I can operate computers with some confidence and figure out the various combinations of settings and buttons to do all sorts of things on hi-fi separates.  So why do I have some sort of dyspraxia when […]


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Kicking myself

April 28th, 2010 · Comments Off on Kicking myself · Politics, Technology

When I get home from work each day and fetch the day’s stack of emails my normal routine is to go through them quickly and delete all the obvious spam and junk.  Then I go through the junk mail folder and extract any ‘real’ mails that have found their way in there. After that I […]


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Busting a nut

April 9th, 2010 · Comments Off on Busting a nut · Life

The decorating is done, with minimal damage.  The emulsion should come off the kitten’s face eventually.  The only significant casualty seems to be my bass guitar.  It was propped up in the cupboard and allowed to fall to the floor, strings down, which broke the nut. Only one end of the nut, so three strings […]



Google 3D

April 7th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life, Technology

Love the 3D version of Google Street View – just need to find one of the many pairs of 3D glasses that are knocking around the house somewhere.  Talking of Google, this advert popped up the other day… My first thought was to doubt the expertise of so-called experts in Google analytics who can’t even […]


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Twisted Firestarter

October 21st, 2009 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

Here is a photo of what happened when I felt a little peckish and made some toast under the grill. My new theme song is: I’m the self inflicted, mind detonator. Yeah. Im the one infected, twisted animator. I’m a firestarter, twisted firestarter



Spizzenergi t-shirts get you noticed

September 24th, 2009 · Comments Off on Spizzenergi t-shirts get you noticed · Life, Music

I went to a quiz night tonight, in aid of the Alpha people, which is a strange thing for an atheist to do I suppose, but they are nice people and I do enjoy a quiz.  I was wearing my 25th anniversary Spizzenergi t-shirt – the one that says “1979-2004” on it so it looks […]


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