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Entries Tagged as 'Books'

Mai 2024

June 3rd, 2024 · Comments Off on Mai 2024 · Life

May was a pretty eventful month, seeing me out of the house a lot more for a change. There was a long journey up to Norfolk for our youngest grandson’s 1st birthday party, a day out in Essex to see Mum and take her out for lunch, and a few little trips out on my […]


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February 2024

March 2nd, 2024 · Comments Off on February 2024 · Life

Another damp, dull and dreary month. Basically it was just a slightly shorter version of January. Its enough to drive you to drink, and in my case it actually did because I opened up a bottle of wine and drank the lot, though it did take me four days to get through it all because […]


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January 2024

February 1st, 2024 · Comments Off on January 2024 · Life

I know its not just me that feels like January lasted for ever. Everybody was joking about it on Twitter so much that it became a cliche, but it really did seem to drag on. Obviously it has been miserable and cold, but its winter, and although we had a little bit of snow it […]


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December 2023

January 4th, 2024 · Comments Off on December 2023 · Life

December is a funny old month. It can just slip by as you focus on getting this crappy year over and hope than the next one will be better somehow. Towards the end of the month a lot of people, especially those with children, knock of for Christmas a week early, making work difficult because […]


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A year of reading

December 29th, 2023 · Comments Off on A year of reading · Life

At the beginning of 2023 I set myself a target to read 100 books in the year and, somehow, I have over-achieved by 20%, having read 120 as of today. Its a good place to stop because it makes the maths really easy to work out: an average of 10 books per month. I guess […]



Grumpy Old Man Alert

December 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on Grumpy Old Man Alert · Life

I’m going to resist complaining about Christmas. I don’t like it, and don’t like anything about it, with the exception of mince pies and that Mariah Carey song. As a misanthropic atheist I find it all very tedious, depressing and stressful, but then you can’t get much more tedious than people complaining about Christmas, so […]


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November 2023

December 11th, 2023 · Comments Off on November 2023 · Life

Where did November go? It seems like a few days ago it was October and still a couple of months left in the year and all of a sudden its December and life is dominated by mince pies and sellotape. Work got a bit busy so I ended up with a few late evenings running […]


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October 2023

November 9th, 2023 · Comments Off on October 2023 · Life

What a depressing month. I’m sure it did not rain all day, every day, but it really felt like that. It was certainly wet and miserable whenever it was a weekend so I didn’t get to go out on the bike at all, except for one short local ride just to make sure the battery […]


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100 and counting

October 15th, 2023 · Comments Off on 100 and counting · Life

This year I set myself a target, well more of a vague ambition really, to read 100 books in the year, and half-way through October I finished my 100th book of 2023 – Windswept & Interesting by Billy Connolly. A quick word about the Billy Connolly book. At times it feels like it is just […]



September 2023

October 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on September 2023 · Life

September was a month packed with events and excitement, or at least what passes for excitement at my age.


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