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Entries Tagged as 'Travel'

Mai 2024

June 3rd, 2024 · Comments Off on Mai 2024 · Life

May was a pretty eventful month, seeing me out of the house a lot more for a change. There was a long journey up to Norfolk for our youngest grandson’s 1st birthday party, a day out in Essex to see Mum and take her out for lunch, and a few little trips out on my […]


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A short visit to Cologne

May 24th, 2024 · Comments Off on A short visit to Cologne · Life

I have just returned from a short visit to Cologne. Jayne forced me to take a holiday and I picked Cologne because I had never been there, and it offered the opportunity for a day trip out to Wuppertal to see the Schwebebahn suspended railway. I don’t think I have been to Germany for 30+years, […]


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Getting some use out of the new black passport

October 25th, 2022 · Comments Off on Getting some use out of the new black passport · Life

Last week I had my first taste of overseas travel since before the pandemic, and the first outing for my new black passport. It wasn’t my first flight of the year: I have had three flights out of Gatwick this year, but all of them were up to Glasgow which is not (yet) a foreign […]


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The wheels on the casegoround and round

September 9th, 2017 · Comments Off on The wheels on the casegoround and round · Life

Ryanair got in the news again this week (BBC) and for a change I think I sort of agree with one of their policies. Sort of. Basically they want passengers to check wheeled suitcases into the hold rather than have them in the cabin. I have never flown with Ryanair, but I have been on […]


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Flying visit

July 8th, 2016 · Comments Off on Flying visit · Life

I had a day trip to Scotland today to go to a meeting in Glasgow, which made it quite a long day, although not quite as long as that day trip to Hengelo earlier in the year. I have still ended up with a carbon footprint of clown-shoe dimensions though. It should have been easy. […]


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April 26th, 2012 · 3 Comments · Life, Work

Wednesday was a bit of a long day. I found myself booked on a one-day course that was 100% mandatory In Glasgow And I decided to do it as a day trip. My four colleagues went up Tuesday afternoon, but I figured that since I live right next to the airport it was feasible to […]


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