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Entries Tagged as 'Vinyl'

Just take my money already

July 8th, 2024 · No Comments · Life, Music

A few weeks ago I was in a record shop, Wow & Flutter in Hastings. I was chatting to the owners, Tim and Susan and complaining about how we do not have anything similar in Crawley, or even close to Crawley. I said that there are absolutely no independent record shops or shops selling used […]


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June 2024

July 3rd, 2024 · No Comments · Life

June was a bit of an anti-climax after all the excitement of going over to Germany in May, but although I didn’t get as far as Cologne this month, at least I got out on my bike for more than just local trips. I had a couple of 100+ mile days, one up to Essex […]


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A short visit to Cologne

May 24th, 2024 · Comments Off on A short visit to Cologne · Life

I have just returned from a short visit to Cologne. Jayne forced me to take a holiday and I picked Cologne because I had never been there, and it offered the opportunity for a day trip out to Wuppertal to see the Schwebebahn suspended railway. I don’t think I have been to Germany for 30+years, […]


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April 2024

May 2nd, 2024 · Comments Off on April 2024 · Life

I had quite limited intentions for 2024 and so far, four months in, I have completely failed to do any of the things I wanted to. Mind you, it really has felt that the year hasn’t started properly anyway. I can’t explain exactly why I feel that way, but I’m sure the weather has to […]


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March 2024

April 1st, 2024 · Comments Off on March 2024 · Life

March was a very unhappy month because we had to say goodbye to one of our dogs at the start of the month and adjust to being a one-dog household after being a two-dog household for over ten years. There are some positives; huge savings on food, vets and medication for a start. It is […]


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February 2024

March 2nd, 2024 · Comments Off on February 2024 · Life

Another damp, dull and dreary month. Basically it was just a slightly shorter version of January. Its enough to drive you to drink, and in my case it actually did because I opened up a bottle of wine and drank the lot, though it did take me four days to get through it all because […]


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January 2024

February 1st, 2024 · Comments Off on January 2024 · Life

I know its not just me that feels like January lasted for ever. Everybody was joking about it on Twitter so much that it became a cliche, but it really did seem to drag on. Obviously it has been miserable and cold, but its winter, and although we had a little bit of snow it […]


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Getting carried away

January 27th, 2024 · Comments Off on Getting carried away · Music

When I treated myself to a turntable for my 60th birthday I had intended to have a small collection of records. Or small-ish. My brother-in-law, Rob, had mentioned to me that he had been finding vinyl collecting a bit habit-forming and addictive and, as I am finding out, it can also be contagious because I […]


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2023 – Ghosts Again

January 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on 2023 – Ghosts Again · Life, Music

As a born and bred Essex boy from Basildon, its amazing that I have got this far into my lifetime playlist without putting a Depeche Mode track on it. South-East Essex has been represented by Doctor Feelgood and Yazoo already, but it has taken this long for our biggest export to get included.


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Fish out of water

December 23rd, 2023 · Comments Off on Fish out of water · Life

I walked into town today to try and do some xmas shopping. Failed miserably of course. As soon as I go into a shop I am paralysed by uncertainty, like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights. Not all shops. I am fine in a bookshop, or a record shop, or somewhere selling computers or hi-fi. […]


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