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Entries Tagged as 'Pets'

March 2024

April 1st, 2024 · Comments Off on March 2024 · Life

March was a very unhappy month because we had to say goodbye to one of our dogs at the start of the month and adjust to being a one-dog household after being a two-dog household for over ten years. There are some positives; huge savings on food, vets and medication for a start. It is […]


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RIP Noche (2012-2024)

March 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on RIP Noche (2012-2024) · Life

It has been very difficult for us here recently. Our younger dog has not been well for a long time and today he made his last visit to the vets. We had him since he was a pup, and watched him grow and grow and then grow old.



All wrapped up

January 14th, 2023 · Comments Off on All wrapped up · Music

I have inadvertently become one of those people who keep their vinyl LPs in plastic sleeves. This is not because I am precious about my small collection. I have always looked after records, or tried to, but have never been distraught if the sleeves got a bit tatty. Admittedly vinyl costs so much now that […]


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False Alarm

April 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on False Alarm · Life

Over the weekend our Jack Russell had us worried. He was having trouble eating, looking like he was choking when he had food or a treat. Although he can be a bit of a drama queen it was very disconcerting because that is exactly how I felt last year and that turned out to be […]


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A cat food question

July 20th, 2011 · Comments Off on A cat food question · Life

I was feeding the cats this evening when something occurred to me.  This is not an attempt at Michael McIntyre-style observational comedy, but a genuine question. Cat food comes in various flavours: beef, duck, lamb, turkey, salmon, chicken, tuna.  None of this is part of a cat’s natural diet and the obvious question is why […]


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The cat soap opera: a conclusion of sorts

July 3rd, 2011 · 3 Comments · Life

It looks like the ginger cat I saw twice in our garden the other day was not the elusive Boots after all.   By coincidence, and several weeks since doing a runner from here, Boots turned up back at Jayne’s sister’s place 5 miles away – a bit skinny and bruised.  The cat I saw here […]



The cat soap opera continues

June 29th, 2011 · Comments Off on The cat soap opera continues · Life

The story so far: After we moved house we found that there are a couple of big aggressive cats in the road who pick fights with our two (not very streetwise) cats.  These cats got more and more aggressive to the point of following our cats through the cat flap into the house.  At the […]



Flipping heck

November 22nd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Technology

My Flip arrived today – the new 8GB HD model, and very nice it is too.  It is willfully bereft of features as it is based on the design concept of just doing one thing, doing it well and making it easy for you to make it do that thing.  I had read good things […]


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More gratuitous cat photos

May 10th, 2010 · Comments Off on More gratuitous cat photos · Life

Just because it’s Monday.


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Leaders’ debate lack of interest

April 24th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Life, Politics

I have to admit I wasn’t paying full attention to the second leaders’ debate on Sky News.  This was partly due to Sky’s even-worse-than-ITV production,  partly due to the blatant bias towards Cameron, but mostly due to having this sort of thing going on at the same time… You need to a flashplayer enabled browser […]


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