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Entries Tagged as 'Shopping'

Just take my money already

July 8th, 2024 · No Comments · Life, Music

A few weeks ago I was in a record shop, Wow & Flutter in Hastings. I was chatting to the owners, Tim and Susan and complaining about how we do not have anything similar in Crawley, or even close to Crawley. I said that there are absolutely no independent record shops or shops selling used […]


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Getting carried away

January 27th, 2024 · Comments Off on Getting carried away · Music

When I treated myself to a turntable for my 60th birthday I had intended to have a small collection of records. Or small-ish. My brother-in-law, Rob, had mentioned to me that he had been finding vinyl collecting a bit habit-forming and addictive and, as I am finding out, it can also be contagious because I […]


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Fish out of water

December 23rd, 2023 · Comments Off on Fish out of water · Life

I walked into town today to try and do some xmas shopping. Failed miserably of course. As soon as I go into a shop I am paralysed by uncertainty, like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights. Not all shops. I am fine in a bookshop, or a record shop, or somewhere selling computers or hi-fi. […]


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March 2023

April 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on March 2023 · Life

Apparently the wettest March for a long time, and it felt like it. It was a relentlessly depressing dampness all the way through, but with sufficient breaks in the weather for me to get out a bit more – and at least it has been getting a bit warmer.


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Not shopping locally

March 8th, 2023 · Comments Off on Not shopping locally · Life

The other day I realised that my slippers were falling apart. With all this working from home, combined with trying to stay in the warm as much as possible means that I get a lot more use out of slippers than in the past. After work yesterday I decided to go out and buy some […]



January 2023

February 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on January 2023 · Life

This year I have been trying to keep track of what I am up to. Not keeping a diary as such, just noting down various stuff. The reason is that when it comes to the end of a year I look back and can’t remember much of anything.


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Practical money-saving tip

November 29th, 2022 · Comments Off on Practical money-saving tip · Life

At the weekend I had a walk into the town centre for a look around. I wasn’t going for anything specific. It was really just to get some exercise and to catch up with some podcasts while walking. As I was just outside County Mall I was about to go into HMV for a browse […]


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Digging in the crates

October 30th, 2022 · Comments Off on Digging in the crates · Music

At the moment I am still enjoying the novelty of having a turntable again and the rituals of playing a vinyl record. For a start there is that way of holding an LP by the edges and flipping it over, which just can’t be taught or described; you just do it, and even after so […]


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The pleasures of pre-ordering

August 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on The pleasures of pre-ordering · Life, Music

In the last year or two I have been discovering the joys of pre-ordering stuff online. I know that some pedants have issues with the term ‘pre-order’, but we all know what it means: ordering something before it is released. I guess you could call it ‘pre-release ordering’. In general I do not actually buy […]



In praise of… Burning Shed

July 3rd, 2020 · Comments Off on In praise of… Burning Shed · Life

Time for another quick unsolicited testimonial, this time for the wonderful Burning Shed online shop. Here are a few reasons to love the website: Specialising in stuff a bit outside the mainstream – like prog, Canterbury scene and electronica Carries a lot of special box sets, vinyl and collectibles Is the official store for some […]

