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Entries Tagged as 'Shopping'

Credit (note) where credit is due

February 20th, 2019 · Comments Off on Credit (note) where credit is due · Life

We are always quick to complain when we are unhappy with a shop or service. Social media makes it even easier, and bloggers are probably the worst. Never have there been so many ways to vent your consumer frustration, but when you get good service its nice to use the same channels to share that […]



Hitting Primark

February 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on Hitting Primark · Life

Went on a small trolley-dash in Primark today. While the clothes in M&S or Next might be nicer or of better quality, if you need lots of clothes in a hurry you can’t beat Primark. Having lost about 4 stone in weight, 6 inches of waistline and a couple of inches of collar size over […]




August 6th, 2016 · Comments Off on Overpackaging · Life

The other day Jayne and I went down to visit the kids and help them sort out some stuff in their new flat. The main part of this was sorting out a large delivery of furniture from World of Oak Furnitureland, or something like that. The furniture was all pre-assembled. All that needed doing was […]



Eight Psychopaths

August 7th, 2013 · Comments Off on Eight Psychopaths · Life, Music

A good day yesterday. The postman delivered an eagerly-awaited package containing the DVD of Seven Psychopaths, and the CD boxset of Doctor Feelgood (1974-77 the Wilko years). Now I know that Wilko is not a psychopath, but back in the early 70’s his performances certainly gave a good impression of one. Good enough to justify […]


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Technologically challenged

November 24th, 2011 · Comments Off on Technologically challenged · Life, Technology

For the last few days I have been wrestling with technology. My PC died over the weekend and I spent a couple of days trying to resuscitate it, then a few days deciding what to replace it with. I finally forked out on a new one on Tuesday when trying to use the laptop annoyed […]


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Just in time for xmas!

October 28th, 2011 · Comments Off on Just in time for xmas! · Life

I know it might sound like a lot of money, but if anybody has the odd three million quid to spare I quite fancy getting my hands on the newly-discovered Velazquez painting. Its a real bargain when you consider that there are only 98 known works by Velazquez and £3 million is a mere fraction […]


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Walking on air

October 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on Walking on air · Life

I bought some new trainers yesterday. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but I’m really pleased with myself because I have been meaning to get new ones for at least six months. During that time I have been alternating between forgetting and putting it off because I can’t stand shopping for trainers. Seeing the huge […]



Unsolicited testimonial

September 1st, 2011 · Comments Off on Unsolicited testimonial · Life

I figure that if I’m happy to moan about companies that mess me about or rip me off I should be equally happy to praise companies or products that impress me, and today I was mightily impressed by Fireplace World.



Like a kid in a sweetshop?

July 28th, 2011 · Comments Off on Like a kid in a sweetshop? · Life

Seeing as I am off work this wek, just using up some holiday, and live just round the corner from the County Oak retail park, I went for a stroll this afternoon to look round the big shops.  Actually, to be more accurate, I had to go to the pet shop to get yet another […]


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Expensive tastes

July 21st, 2011 · Comments Off on Expensive tastes · Life

Our local Sainsbury has been getting a revamp.  It has made shopping a mixture of adventure and confusion.  Every time you go there the car park has a different layout and so has the shop.  Everything is in a different place each visit – even the ATMs and the front door. As a consequence, when […]


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