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Entries Tagged as 'Medicine/Health'

The drugs don’t work

June 30th, 2024 · No Comments · Life

I had plans for this weekend. The weather looked like being perfect for motorbiking; dry, sunny, and warm but not so hot that wearing all that protective clothing makes you melt. The plan was to go down to Worthing on Saturday morning, have a look around town, maybe have a coffee and pastry somewhere, and […]



June 2023

July 5th, 2023 · Comments Off on June 2023 · Life, Music

After months of dreary rain, cold, and high winds, I finally found some days suitable for flying my drone. The first attempt was just me on my own, down at Wytch Cross to get the hang of it. As I managed that without any disasters, I went down to Arundel to meet up with our […]


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Avoidable deaths

June 26th, 2023 · Comments Off on Avoidable deaths · Life, Politics

This story caught my attention on the radio news this morning (“UK’s high rate of avoidable deaths linked to NHS woes”) and I think the headline is more than a bit misleading. Read a bit further and it says “The UK had one of the lowest levels of life expectancy – although the study acknowledged […]


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May 2023

June 3rd, 2023 · 2 Comments · Life

I really should try to find the mental energy to write here more than once a month, but meanwhile here is a summary of the recently-finished May. It was a good month. Any month with three bank holidays in it can’t be anything other than a good month!


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Paranoia time again

February 6th, 2023 · Comments Off on Paranoia time again · Life

Tomorrow I have my regular three-monthly-ish post-cancer outpatients appointment – the first one in almost two years that will be face-to-face rather than on the phone. Back in September I had an annual CT scan to make sure everything is still OK and I have spent the last three or four months happy because I […]


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Video nasties

October 12th, 2022 · Comments Off on Video nasties · Life

Today’s post saw the arrival of my belated birthday present from the NHS: a bowel cancer screening kit. Obviously this is going to involve me posting a stool sample to some laboratory. The kit contains an instruction sheet for doing all this, which includes a QR code which can be used to see an instructional […]


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Get on your bike!

July 27th, 2020 · Comments Off on Get on your bike! · Life

I see that the government want to encourage more people to take up cycling to improve health by reducing obesity. While it is easy to pick holes in this, the gist of it is very laudable. There shouldn’t be any doubt that reducing weight leads to improvements in health and that cycling can help to […]


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One in a million (and a half)

April 20th, 2020 · Comments Off on One in a million (and a half) · Life

A couple of weeks ago I received that letter from the NHS that was, apparently, being sent out to 1.5 million people who are deemed to be vulnerable. While I don’t feel particularly vulnerable, I was not surprised to receive the letter, it was still a bit of a shock in a way because it […]


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Second attempt at normality

May 12th, 2019 · Comments Off on Second attempt at normality · Life

So this is what has been going on with my little health issues. On Easter Monday I was allowed home after my big operation. This represented a really quick recovery because it was a massive operation. Actually it was more like a stomach operation + a chest operation + a tracheostomy, all lasting about 12 […]


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Back in one piece

April 21st, 2019 · 1 Comment · Life

It looks like that cancer thing is over now. Still to be confirmed, but it is all looking good so far. I went in for an operation to remove the tumour, along with a big chunk of my oesophagus, on April 10th. After that I spent about a week in intensive care before getting released […]


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