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Entries Tagged as 'Medicine/Health'

False Alarm

April 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on False Alarm · Life

Over the weekend our Jack Russell had us worried. He was having trouble eating, looking like he was choking when he had food or a treat. Although he can be a bit of a drama queen it was very disconcerting because that is exactly how I felt last year and that turned out to be […]


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Operation inflation

March 22nd, 2019 · Comments Off on Operation inflation · Life

Well. Had a meeting with my surgeon today. Instead of the original estimates of a 7-hour operation followed by a hospital stay of 7 to 14 days, where they might try to send me home after 5 days it now looks a bit different. Because they want to put in a tracheostomy for various reasons […]


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I finally got a date

March 15th, 2019 · Comments Off on I finally got a date · Life

Had a phone call from the hospital. They have had a look at the results of my CT scan (good news – the tumour has lost a lot of mass, although it still give me problems with eating) and fixed a date for the big operation where they take a big chunk of my oesophagus […]



First world problem

March 13th, 2019 · Comments Off on First world problem · Life

One of the many side effects of the ECX combination of chemotherapy is that skin on the hands and feet can get sore or red and can peel. Amongst all the jargon and technical terms this particular side effect stood out because of its blunt, Ronseal ‘does-what-it-says’ name: “hand-foot syndrome”. I did have several of […]


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Health update

March 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on Health update · Life

This is one of my irregular health updates, for anybody who is interested. Chemotherapy has finished now, which is a huge relief. I was getting very bored with dissolving all those tablets and injecting them down my jejunal feeding tube. I was also a bit bored with having a permanent cold, feeling tired & dizzy […]



Normal service

March 4th, 2019 · Comments Off on Normal service · Life, Work

After a couple of months of absence and working from home, I went back into work today. I don’t think I will be in all day, every day, but going in on a Monday morning is an attempt to get back to normality. Of course it is only temporary. Either I will be going in […]



Diet madness

March 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on Diet madness · Life

Everybody seems to be doing some faddish diet or other at the moment, but the one our son is doing is really getting to me. It is a high-protein diet with no carbs, which seems to be entirely meat and eggs. A typical packed meal to take to work is grilled chicken breasts and gammon […]



Working Out

February 8th, 2019 · Comments Off on Working Out · Life

Today I did something I have never done before. I joined a gym!


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January health update

February 1st, 2019 · 2 Comments · Life

I know I said that I don’t intend to bang on about my experiences with cancer, but will indulge in the odd update for those who are interested. The story so far (TL;DR version): after increasing difficulty swallowing I got diagnosed with having a cancerous tumour in my oesophagus. Various scans confirmed the diagnosis and […]


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Fantastic Voyage

December 19th, 2018 · Comments Off on Fantastic Voyage · Life

I don’t want to bang on about this cancer of mine, and will try to avoid doing so, but a thought struck me the other day. In the last few months I have had an endoscopy, an ultrasound endoscopy, a laparoscopy, a CT scan, a PET CT scan, and MRI scan of the brain and […]


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