One of my photos

Just in time for xmas!

October 28th, 2011 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

A portrait of Peter Gabriel, painted 300 years before he was born?

I know it might sound like a lot of money, but if anybody has the odd three million quid to spare I quite fancy getting my hands on the newly-discovered Velazquez painting. Its a real bargain when you consider that there are only 98 known works by Velazquez and £3 million is a mere fraction of what was paid for Damien Hirst’s shark. Come on – I named my cat after Diego Velzquez, I obviously deserve it!

If nobody in the family manages a record-breaking lottery win before the auction I just hope the buyer lets the painting be displayed at the National Gallery or the Prado or somewhere else where the public can see it alongside some of his other paintings.

Apart from its rarity, it looks like a very good piece of work. Maybe not as striking as his portrait of Pope Innocent X and looking in need of a bit of a scrub, but still wonderful.

The subject is unknown, and suspected to be Philip IV’s master of the hunt, but I think we can all see that it is really a portrait of Peter Gabriel.

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