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Mai 2024

June 3rd, 2024 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

May was a pretty eventful month, seeing me out of the house a lot more for a change. There was a long journey up to Norfolk for our youngest grandson’s 1st birthday party, a day out in Essex to see Mum and take her out for lunch, and a few little trips out on my motorbike. All of that was eclipsed, of course, by my visit to Germany.

In truth I only went away very reluctantly. Jayne more or less forced me to go away for a break, but I did really enjoy it. I am now thinking about another short city break later in the year. I had thought about Marseilles, but that is quite hard to get to unless you resort to Ryan Air from Stanstead, so I might go back to Germany and see what Berlin is like.

The real frustration with May was that there were so few opportunities for Jayne and I to go out for a ride together. We had been due to go to Hastings on May Day for the big bank holiday ride out but the weather was absolutely foul. The way Jayne’s days off fall it is not often that there is a day when neither of us are working and most of those days have been miserable. In May there were actually a couple of days when decent weather coincided with us being off but in both cases we had plans and commitments that involved us having to travel by car. It would have been great to go up to Norfolk on the bikes, for example, and it would have been a nice run, but we had a load of presents to take up there.

Otherwise it was more or less the same as the rest of the year so far. I read a lot of books, bought a lot of records, didn’t drive the car at all, and only watched a little television; just the starts of the new Doctor Who and Inside No. 9 series. I only watched one film; the frankly disappointing Jurassic World Dominion. For the second moth running I had some alcohol – three glasses of Kolsch while I was in Germany.

My winning streak on the Premium Bonds continued with a whopping £225 of prizes. That is now eleven months in a row, so I am looking to see if June will make it a whole year of winning. Something big enough to retire would be nice, then I could make more visits to Germany.

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