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Entries from May 24th, 2024

A short visit to Cologne

May 24th, 2024 · Comments Off on A short visit to Cologne · Life

I have just returned from a short visit to Cologne. Jayne forced me to take a holiday and I picked Cologne because I had never been there, and it offered the opportunity for a day trip out to Wuppertal to see the Schwebebahn suspended railway. I don’t think I have been to Germany for 30+years, […]


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Too many podcasts

May 4th, 2024 · 2 Comments · Life

I think I may have reached my limit with podcasts that I subscribe to.



April 2024

May 2nd, 2024 · Comments Off on April 2024 · Life

I had quite limited intentions for 2024 and so far, four months in, I have completely failed to do any of the things I wanted to. Mind you, it really has felt that the year hasn’t started properly anyway. I can’t explain exactly why I feel that way, but I’m sure the weather has to […]


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