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Entries Tagged as 'Podcasts'

Too many podcasts

May 4th, 2024 · 2 Comments · Life

I think I may have reached my limit with podcasts that I subscribe to.



Grumpy Old Man Alert

December 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on Grumpy Old Man Alert · Life

I’m going to resist complaining about Christmas. I don’t like it, and don’t like anything about it, with the exception of mince pies and that Mariah Carey song. As a misanthropic atheist I find it all very tedious, depressing and stressful, but then you can’t get much more tedious than people complaining about Christmas, so […]


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Lockdown survival aids

June 20th, 2020 · Comments Off on Lockdown survival aids · Life, Music

Let’s be honest here, the lockdown has really ended now hasn’t it? OK, there are no pubs, cafes, theatres, music and sports venues, but otherwise I think a lot of people are now treating it as all over except where it suits them to pretend it is all still going on – I am thinking […]


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