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Entries from June 3rd, 2024

Am I The Idiot?

June 3rd, 2024 · Comments Off on Am I The Idiot? · Life, Technology

A thought occurred to me today. While I was out walking I saw, as I so often do, somebody talking on their mobile phone and holding it in front of them horizontally. I think it might be learned behaviour from watching The Apprentice or something. Whenever I see this my inner monologue is always “look […]


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Mai 2024

June 3rd, 2024 · Comments Off on Mai 2024 · Life

May was a pretty eventful month, seeing me out of the house a lot more for a change. There was a long journey up to Norfolk for our youngest grandson’s 1st birthday party, a day out in Essex to see Mum and take her out for lunch, and a few little trips out on my […]


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