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Entries Tagged as 'Doh!'

Can Dec anally match Ant?

September 1st, 2009 · Comments Off on Can Dec anally match Ant? · Life

A question we have all pondered, but not dared to voice aloud… see the Guardian for an explanation of exactly why and how the Express ended up with such an eye-catching headline.  It turns out there is a perfectly logical explanation – they cocked up!


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Not mowing the lawn

August 1st, 2009 · Comments Off on Not mowing the lawn · Life

One thing I will not be doing this weekend (probably) is mowing the lawn.  It really needs it, but the other night I went into the shed to get something and noticed a large lawnmower-shaped space in there.   I came backindoors to tell Jayne that I thought we had been burgled, but it turns out […]



Signriting disaster

July 27th, 2009 · Comments Off on Signriting disaster · Life

Saw this van on the way back from Worthing. Either he really is a eletrician or he should be asking the bloke who paints his van for a hefty discount.


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Go Bish!

July 18th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Life, Politics

On Thursday I actually had the TV on during BBC’s Question Time.  I had my back to it and the sound turned quite low, so I wasn;t really paying attention to it until near the end when I hear Dimbleby mention that they were in Colchester. I thought to myself “I wonder if my old […]


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Jacko and the perils of publishing

June 29th, 2009 · Comments Off on Jacko and the perils of publishing · Life, Music

Over the weekend it has been hard to ignore Michael Jackson.  His name was on the front of all the papers in the newsagents, his songs were all over the radio and there was an unfeasibly large display of his greatest hits in HMV.   On top of that there was Q magazine with Jackson all […]


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Drop ’em

June 28th, 2009 · Comments Off on Drop ’em · Life

What a clumsy day it was today.   This morning I dropped and broke a cereal bowl while drying it. Later on I was putting the kettle on and knocked over a cup that still had some old coffee in it.  When I was doing dinner I dropped the lid from the olive oil bottle and […]



For the chop

March 13th, 2009 · Comments Off on For the chop · Politics

At last – a provider of social housing that has a worse attitude to its tenants than Crawley borough council who may have lied to their tenants and tried to coerce them but have never (as far as I know) resorted to outright blatant threats. This card was sent out to tenants of a housing […]


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Bring me the head of Prawo Jazdy

February 24th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Life

I have not really caught up with the last week’s news yet, but I did greatly enjoy this story from Ireland, which falls in the you-couldn’t-make-it-up category.


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Taking a tumble

January 26th, 2009 · Comments Off on Taking a tumble · Life, Technology

We had an engineer come round today to look at our tumble drier.  Normally I would have a go myself: I like to take stuff apart in the vain hope there is something really obvious that even somebody with no spare parts, knowledge of the machinery or engineering talent could fix.   Never happened so far, […]



Sidi ‘h’ Bibi

December 18th, 2008 · Comments Off on Sidi ‘h’ Bibi · Music

A short clip of Manu Chao doing the song Sidi ‘h’ Bibi in London last night. You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video Actually, that is not quite right.  It is not Manu Chao singing but the percussionist coming to the front for this song.  He used to play in […]


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