One of my photos

Just Married

August 21st, 2016 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

Jayne and I renewed our wedding vows yesterday. It seemed to go well and everyone said they enjoyed it, although it did end quite badly and could have been worse. Our son had taken all the children home to our house and we were just winding up in the venue, picking up discarded ties and gathering up all the cards when he phoned to say his tonsils had burst, so we had to rush home. I stayed to look after the kids and Jayne went off to the hospital.

It must have looked quite dramatic when she turned up at East Surrey in a wedding dress, with Frankie covered in blood. After an emergency operation and transfusions, everything was OK and by the time Jayne got back home I had finished mopping blood off the bathroom walls and was dozing in front of the Olympics.

Apart from that, everything was great.

We knew that some people might bring presents, because they never had the opportunity before, and we really didn’t want that because we have everything we need and don’t have space for anything else, so we asked guests not to, but if they really felt the urge they could just give us supplies like tea, sugar, canned food, etc. that we could give to the Crawley Open House hostel. We had not really thought about how that might go when one of us works in a supermarket and has work colleagues coming along, so we ended up with enough food to fill a car boot as well as some cash donations. As it worked out, we could have given a homeless person our hotel room for the night because we never ended up using it, what with all the nhs involvement, and house full of gore.

After weeks of sunshine and clear skies, the weather turned this weekend, and yesterday morning we had really heavy rain and the forecast was for more, with 50mph gusts of wind. But it all stopped just when we were ready to go out and do photographs. I’m sure that made a big difference in how well the day went.

In fifteen years of marriage Jayne and I have never had a real proper argument, even though we don’t always agree on absolutely everything but there are two things we agree on 100% – firstly that we had a brilliant day, and secondly that we never want to go through all that hassle, stress, organising and expense again!


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