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Entries Tagged as 'Books'

The Irregular

May 22nd, 2017 · Comments Off on The Irregular · Life

I have a book to recommend. The Irregular by H.B.Lyle. Last month I had proof copies of two different new novels that trade on a connection with Sherlock Holmes. The first was Arrowood by Mick Finlay, which was interesting enough, but I have to admit that I found The Irregular to be much more exciting. […]


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April 13th, 2017 · Comments Off on Outskirts · Life, Politics

A short review of Outskirts: Living Life on the Edge of the Green Belt by John Grindrod which I mentioned in a previous post. It is due to be out in hardback on June 1st. Although I got hold of an advanced proof copy, I did buy his previous book and would have bought this […]


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Green Belt

April 13th, 2017 · Comments Off on Green Belt · Politics

I have just finished reading a book about the green belt, which was more fun than it sounds. One passage in particular really stopped me in my tracks while I was reading: ‘One of the things that impressed me most about my dad’s take on it, because he was surprisingly left wing as well, was […]


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Robert Nye

August 8th, 2016 · Comments Off on Robert Nye · Life

Today I came across an obituary of the writer Robert Nye, who died last month. I wasn’t aware that he had died and if I am honest I hadn’t realised he was still alive because, although he is described as a ‘poet and author’, I only knew of him through his novels, and the last […]


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The Ice Beneath Her

June 27th, 2016 · Comments Off on The Ice Beneath Her · Life

I have just finished reading my first Scandinavian thriller. It is called The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla Grebe, due to be published on September 8th. This is what I thought about it…


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An Android Awakes

November 3rd, 2015 · Comments Off on An Android Awakes · Life

An Andoid Awakes by Mike French and Karl Brown This is a soon-to-be-published book (Nov 13th) which I had an advance reader copy of from the publishers. Reading this book, the word that kept coming to mind was ‘kaleidoscope’, by which I mean those tube-like things we had as kids in the 60s where the […]


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I, Robert

September 30th, 2015 · Comments Off on I, Robert · Life

It is very rare that I buy actual paper books these days. Basically I just do not have the space for any more books. Instead I download e-books which is not the same experience but is much more convenient. The few ‘proper’ books I get are mostly proof copies from publishers or presents. If I […]


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A coping strategy

July 4th, 2015 · Comments Off on A coping strategy · Life

I am currently ploughing my way through a book about ‘systems thinking’ (Freedom from Command & Control by John Seddon). It is not exactly a page-turner, but there is no option to wait for the film to come out. It suddenly got to be more fun when I decided to add some bits of my […]



Mr Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore

June 14th, 2015 · Comments Off on Mr Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore · Life

We arrive at books by many different routes. It may be that a cover catches our eye in the shop, or a review in a magazine sounds good, or somebody recommends it. I came to this book by a bit of a backwards route. I very much enjoyed a book called The Reader on the […]


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Programming flavours

June 3rd, 2015 · Comments Off on Programming flavours · Technology

This evening I came across a great passage in the book I am reading. The passage is about programming languages, the book isn’t. Not really anyway. But, of course, the point of a programming language is that you don’t just read it; you write it, too. You make it do things for you. And this, […]


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