One of my photos


November 29th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Work · 2 Comments · Work

Quiz time. Only one question.

If you had a leaky roof what would you do?

1) fix the leak

2) put out buckets to catch the drips

3) install a comprehensive system of gutters inside the ceiling to catch the water and direct it out through holes in the wall.

I think that most people would opt for 2) as an interim measure while they try to achieve 1).

If you answered 3) then I can only assume you work for the rail industry in some capacity.

This Heath Robinson leak-mitigation system is at London Bridge station and I have been meaning to take a photo of it for some time. I pass it most days and still find it hard to believe.

Half of us working in the railway environment do this sort of thing, and the other half of us are driven up the wall by it, and it is not a new situation or attitude at all. It is summed up perfectly by the legendary Frank Pick in a quote from him when he was Chief Executive of the London Passenger Transport Board in 1936. Guess which half he belonged to…

I am fully convinced of the futility of all that I do… The amount of labour that we put into getting simple things simply carried out is enormous…

It is an inspirational quote which I have printed out and pinned above my desk.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • jamsodonnell

    Bloody hell.. that is just about the only words that springs to mind when I see that!

  • Frank Sidebottom

    Looks a bit like a piano, excellent. Raindrops keep faling on my head anyone? no, i didnt read the whole post :shame: 😉