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Nightclubs and immigration

November 20th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life/Politics · 2 Comments · Life, Politics

I like Brighton. I enjoy visiting the place. But knowing that I am not welcome in one of its clubs, even though I probably wouldn’t go there anyway, just because of where I live, makes me like the place just a little less.

Its not right that I should feel a little bit more hostile to the rest of the city because of a policy in one establishment, but then then them having such a policy aimed towards 100,000 people when possibly 99,000 of them had never been there is just as unfair.

But I am just wondering… is that how it feels to be Romanian or Bulgarian – being told you are not welcome in a country you have some affection for, but no real intention of moving to? I was reading an article written by a Bulgarian journalist on the train home today and it felt the same.

That whole business is a constant source of embarrassment. The cafe near our work has a selection of tabloids lying around, and whenever there is some new piece of scaremongering in it Manuela, the Romanian waitress, brings the paper over and says “Senor Andrew, why do they say we are all crooks?” and I really don’t know what to say.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Richard

    For the Argus to make a front page story out of what a prat of a Nightclub Head Doorman, Martyn Richardson, said is to be questioned methinks.

    Although it must be remembered that Mr ‘Wanker’ Williamson is an employee of Leisuresec – “the country’s largest suppliers of” wankers – sorry, “security doormen”

  • Skuds

    Well I can see why they banned you! 🙂

    You have a point though. It would seem to be a story more interesting to Crawley papers than a Brighton one – although Crawley is part of the Argus’ area of course.

    They got into enough of a frenzy when Paul Merton just made a few comments, and when that DJ in Chichester called us all chavs, and when the Standard reporter made derogatory remarks. (Prince Phil’s slurs were of course just Phil being on top form) I expect similar outrage in this weeks’ papers, but with rather more justification than normal.