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The video election

April 16th, 2008 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · No Comments · Politics

This week the Crawley Observer interviewed the three party leaders in town and have put video of all three interviews on their website.  Its an interesting idea, carried out with some of the most mind-numbingly boring video footage seen.

The real shame is that the videos are all firmly embedded in the CN website and not on Youtube, otherwise the Labour party could have ‘done a Ken’.   In the London elections Ken Livingstone has put his own broadcast online on his own website alongside the one made by Boris Johnson.  Its a bit mischievous for a candidate to host his opponent’s publicity buth is point is the Tory video is more likely to make voters tend towards Labour, and I think the Crawley Tory one would do the same.

If it was in the public domain I would be putting pressure on the party to have the Tory interview displayed on the Labour party website because its the best advert for us I have ever seen!

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