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VIP visit

April 14th, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · No Comments · Politics

Its the big day tomorrow!

Tony Blair is going to pay a visit to the Broadfield Community Centre in the morning to see the playgroups. Its all supposed to be a big secret, but its probably safe to put it here because its only a few hours away, nobody reads this anyway, and half of Broadfield probably knows about it by word of mouth from the playgroups.

Jayne has spent most of her free time in the last two days making arrangements with some people who may be Labour Party advisers or Special Branch – they didn’t say. As Jayne is the Chair of the Community Centre’s management committee she had to be asked if the visit was OK and has to show the PM, the Education Minister and our own MP around. Its a bit of a joke really as Laura knows the Centre inside out, but apparently its a matter of protocol.

There should be satellite uplink vans from ITN, the BBC and Sky News all parked in our car park, police everywhere, and press photographers hanging around. No sure about the local papers. They may not have been invited because they are always slagging the party off.

Amongst all this, I heard something interesting about the Centre today. The local Tories have started hiring one of the halls for meetings. They met last night, and today the Manager found a Vote Henry Smith poster stuck up in the room they used. It was behind a curtain so it could not be seen from inside the hall, but was displayed in the window. What terrible behaviour! The Labour party have been using the place for meetings for years and years and have never done that. There have been Labour councillors on the management committee for as long as anyone can remember and we always did our best to keep the Centre itself neutral. But within a year of getting a couple of Tory councillors, they are putting party political posters up in the windows of what is, after all, the local polling station!

I must have a word with our election agent to see if it is worth making a fuss about it….

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