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Shark analogy

July 21st, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

An interesting comment on anti-terrorism from an unlikely source.

There was a story in an American blog about a shark fishing derby where a fishing boat landed a tiger shark of almost 1200 lbs but was disqualified for turning up to the weigh-in 6 minutes late.

On the website Fark there was a discussion about this story, which soon went off-topic – which often happens – and ended up talking about shark fishing generally, shark attacks and all sorts of stuff, which led to someone making this comment:

I personally feel that if we threaten to nuke the ocean, the more moderate sharks will take it upon themselves to rein in the extremist sharks that kill humans for no good reason whatsoever.

It seems to sum up the futility of much of our, and the Americans’ foreign policy and anti-terrorism measures. It might have been a throwaway comment but it can lead you to think about implications which challenge your normal opinions.

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