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New flag

November 2nd, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Life/Politics · No Comments · Life, Politics

I had a few moments spare, so I designed a new flag for us, keeping the World-famous Union Flag for ‘brand-recognition’, but adding a star from the EU flag.

Ideally all the countries who are in the EU would add a star to their flag somewhere, to show their membership of the union.

This was only partly out of a sense of being European, but mainly because it is exactly the sort of thing that the little-englander, Daily Mail-reading, Tories would really, really detest and its a good rule of thumb that anything they really hate is probably a good thing. (e.g. minimum wage, paid maternity leave, trade unions)

I think it should be pushed, to increase the blood pressure of the die-hard Tories so much that when we finally adopt the Euro they will all spontaneously explode. We can get it adopted by pretending the star is to show that we won the World Cup in 1966.

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