If it is in the Guardian it must be true. Or must it?
Unlikely as it might seem, gay men and women apparently earn £10,000 more than straight men and women. It does not fit in with most gays and lesbians I know. A lot have had more disposable income through having double-income households and fewer financial responsibilities (ie kids) but thats not the same as income.
It seems unlikely in the face of frequent complaints that gays and lesbians are discriminated against. I must have been mixing with atypical gays.
Look a bit closer though. Its all based on a survey of the readers of Diva and Gay Times. I have had a quick butchers at the website and it looks a bit upmarket and aspirational. I suspect it attracts the better off, but the comparisons are being made with the national average.
A true comparison would be with the straight readership of a similarly aspirational magazine rather than the general population.
Today’s book recommendation: A Mathematician Reads The Newspapers by John Allen Paulos
UPDATE: The Guardian admitted that their maths was totally wrong in the corrections column the next day. Thanks to Mr Wongablog for pointing it out.
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