One of my photos


April 23rd, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 1 Comment · Life

When Queen Victoria announced that she was setting up something called the Torchwood Institute at the end of Doctor Who today it rang a bit of a bell as the name of the mysterious weapon used to ‘do a Belgrano’ on the departing aliens at the end of the Christmas special, but I didn’t think any more of it.

So many thanks to Small Town Scribbles for drawing attention to this. It looks like being a British version of the X-Files. I can’t be sure as I never watched any of the X-Files, but I will make a point of watching Torchwood when it starts.

As for the werewolf episode of Doctor Who, all I can say is that we are amused!

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One Comment so far ↓

  • Jo

    Ah – explains a lot. I’m still enjoying the thought of Charlie boy being a werewolf. I guess it explains a lot about the queen mother!!