Another holiday snap for the benefit of Kerron and his obsession with beavers.
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Another holiday snap for the benefit of Kerron and his obsession with beavers.
Skuds' Sister's Brother is proudly powered by Wordpress 6.0.2 and Cutline 1.3 theme by Chris Pearson with a few mods by Skuds
This is not the best blog in the world; its a tribute | Hosted by Midphase of 115 Broadway, Floor 5 New York, NY 10006, United States
Anything I write here is my own opinion and is not endorsed by my employers, the Labour party (nationally or locally), my family, the cat, the dog, the other dog, West Ham United FC or anyone else - and especially not Midphase Hosting. Its just a personal blog, in other words: Promoted and published by me on behalf of me (yes its all me, me, me. Vanity publishing at its worst) although I'm not particularly promoting anything, just describing and generally rambling for my own entertainment, but the whole Internet thing is such a grey area you have to be on the safe side don't you? There is always going to be some idiot who takes it all seriously. No names - you know who you are. Not that anyone reads all this stuff at the bottom anyway, not when there is more exciting stuff to do like watching paint dry...
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